Eric Reiss has held a wide range of jobs including: piano player, senior copywriter, player-piano repairman, jukebox restorer, pool hustler, school-bus driver, cartoonist, magician, adventure-game creator, starving student, showboat actor, and stage director. The breadth and depth of his experience have served him admirably as a usability professional.
Today, Eric is CEO of the FatDUX Group in Copenhagen, Denmark, an international user-experience design company with offices and associates in over a dozen cities worldwide. He also has several books to his credit, including the best-selling Usable Usability (John Wiley, 2012).
Term: Usability
Email: er@fatdux.com
Website: fatdux.com
Twitter: @elreiss
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/ericreiss
Facebook: facebook.com/eric.l.reiss